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  Available from 14 Oct 2025
⚠️  minimum rent period: 360 nights

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Located in a quiet area, within 7 minutes walking from the main street of Chisinau, "Stefan cel Mare", this 3 room apartment is offered for long term rentals only.

It is located on the 7th floor of a 15 stores building with elevator.

This affordable rental price includes: equipped kitchen, living room, one separate bedroom, a separate room for kids or it can be used as an office space and a large bathroom with bathtub. This apartment is clean and comfortable and is non-smoking.


Apartment for rent in Chisinau with 3 rooms

3 rooms

Maximum accommodated capacity 3 persons

3 persons

Rent apartment in Chisinau with 2 beds

2 beds

Lease Chisinau apartment with 1

1 balcony

Chisinau apartment rental with 


Chisinau rental on the floor

floor 6

Renting Chisinau apartment with 2

2 bedrooms

Chisinau rental with Parking free

Parking free

The apartment’s overall surface is 72 m²

72 m²

Accommodation Rules

• Check in from: 13:00
• Check-out until: 12:00
• Check in/out: 22:00 - 07:00 | + 25 €
✘ Pets are not allowed
✘ No Smoking inside
• Late check-out - on arrangement


The Roses Valley Apartment has Air conditioner

Air conditioner

The Roses Valley Apartment has 1 Double bed

1 Double bed

The Roses Valley Apartment has Wardrobe


The Roses Valley Apartment has Flat TV

Flat TV

The Roses Valley Apartment has Extensible sofa bed

Extensible sofa bed

The Roses Valley Apartment has Coffee table

Coffee table

The Roses Valley Apartment has Desk


The Roses Valley Apartment has Fridge


The Roses Valley Apartment has Dishes


The Roses Valley Apartment has Gas stovetop

Gas stovetop

The Roses Valley Apartment has Electric kettle

Electric kettle

The Roses Valley Apartment has Washing machine

Washing machine

The Roses Valley Apartment has Gas water heater

Gas water heater

The Roses Valley Apartment has Balcony


The Roses Valley Apartment has Iron


The Roses Valley Apartment has Ironing board

Ironing board

The Roses Valley Apartment has Bathtub




about renting

Roses Valley Apartment

in Chisinau

How much does it cost to rent Roses Valley Apartment in Chisinau?

The rental price for a lease of 12 months or more at Roses Valley Apartment is 621 Euro per month. To view rental prices for medium or short-term stays, please select the rental option through the online:

Choose Rental Period

How far is Roses Valley Apartment from the centre of Chisinau? +

Roses Valley Apartment is located at 0.8 km from the Chisinau city center.

How do I get to Roses Valley Apartment from Chisinau airport? +

From the Chisinau airport you can use trolleybus, bus: (40 - 75 min) or taxi (30 - 45 min). The time is estimated for rush hour.

How do I pay my lease for Roses Valley Apartment in Chisinau? +

The rental can be paid in cash, via bank transfer or card to card, no later than the check-in moment.

What is a security deposit, and is it refundable? +

A security deposit is a refundable amount paid in advance to cover any potential damages or outstanding utility payments during your stay. The security deposit amount varies based on the length of your stay. To view the exact security deposit amount, please proceed with the:

What utilities are included in the rental price? +

The inclusion of utilities in the rental price varies based on the length of stay. To access detailed information, please submit the:

How many people can be accommodated at Roses Valley Apartment in Chisinau? +

Roses Valley Apartment in Chisinau can accommodate maximum 3 persons.

Is there a parking place at the Roses Valley Apartment in Chisinau? +

Yes. The free of charge parking is available on-site. No reservation needed.

What floor is Roses Valley Apartment on? Is there an elevator? +

Roses Valley Apartment is located on the floor 6, Elevator.

How many separate bedrooms does Roses Valley Apartment in Chisinau have? +

The Roses Valley Apartment has 2 bedrooms.

How many rooms does Roses Valley Apartment have and what is the living area? +

The Roses Valley Apartment has 3 rooms and a living area of 72 m².

How can I book the Roses Valley Apartment in Chisinau? +

1. Check Availability:

Select your desired check-in and check-out dates.

2. Fill in Your Details:

Complete the form with your personal details and click "Send Application".

3. Receive Confirmation Email:

You will get a confirmation email with all the details of your selected apartment and booking request.

4. Owner Approval & Secure Booking:

We will verify your request with the apartment owner. Once confirmed, we will guide you through the secure booking process, including signing the lease to finalize your reservation.

5. Move In:

Once the booking is complete and the lease is signed, you’re all set to move into your new apartment!

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